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Meet Milton Hamer III, CFP®

Your Local SmartVestor Pro

As a SmartVestor Pro, I happily assist fans of Dave Ramsey's teachings because I am one myself.  The resources, experience and training of my 20 plus year financial services career go directly toward helping my clients eliminate their debt, save for unexpected emergencies and then invest for a future that aligns with their financial goals.  Let's talk soon to see what we can create, together.

Being a SmartVestor Pro Means: 


SmartVestor Pros are not your average Joes. We have spent many years honing our skills, curating our processes and delivering valuable experiences to best prepare our clients for the future.

Client First

As a SmartVestor Pro I am committed to educating and empowering you first and foremost. I will always act in your best interest, providing you with the best investment choices to help you work toward your goals.

Long-Term Focus

Eliminating debt and investing long-term is the ideal way to build your wealth over time and better prepare for a comfortable retirement.


Got a question? Whether it’s the middle of the night or the crack of dawn, I’m here to answer your most pressing questions, often within 24 hours.  

Schedule a Call With Milton

Your Local SmartVestor Pro

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SmartVestor is an advertising and referral service for investment professionals operated by The Lampo Group, LLC d/b/a Ramsey Solutions. SmartVestor provides referrals to financial professionals of LPL Financial, LLC (LPL).  SmartVestor is not a current client of LPL for brokerage or advisory services. Financial professionals of LPL pay SmartVestor cash compensation for these referrals, which creates the incentive for SmartVestor to make these referrals, resulting in a conflict of interest. Please visit [SmartVestor investing professionals] to learn more.